高の瀬峡・べふ峡の紅葉絶景! 四国の紅葉名所 / Autumn leaves at Konose and Befu Gorge ( Shikoku Japan )【日本の紅葉絶景!】 [ 4K ]




00:00 高の瀬峡の概要
02:25 高の瀬峡の展望台
04:35 べふ峡の概要
08:49 べふ峡の吊橋

Konose Gorge (Tokushima Prefecture) and Befu Gorge (Kochi Prefecture), two of Shikoku’s most famous autumn leaves viewing spots, are introduced here.
Konose Gorge, located at the southern foot of Mount Tsurugi in central Tokushima Prefecture, has been selected as one of the “100 best places to view autumn leaves in Japan”. The beauty of the V-shaped gorge with its oddly shaped rocks and precipitous cliffs sandwiched between 1,700-meter-high mountains and the autumn leaves that color the surface of the mountains is truly spectacular!
This is the headwaters of the Naga River, and there is a rest house and parking area near the entrance to Konose Gorge, as well as an observation deck on the forest road ahead.

Befu Gorge is located at the headwaters of the Monobe River in the eastern part of Kochi Prefecture, and has also been selected as one of the “100 best places to view autumn leaves in Japan”. The gorge is located about 10 km from Konose Gorge, and the white limestone rocks that have been eroded over a long period of time stand tall, and the beauty of the autumn when the entire surface of the mountain is dyed in autumn leaves is exceptional!
There is a parking lot at the entrance of Befu Gorge, which serves as the starting point of the walking trail, and visitors can enjoy hiking along the river to view the autumn leaves.
During the autumn leaves season, the “Befukyo Maple Tea House” is open, where you can enjoy country sushi, handmade soba noodles, and grilled fish.


・日本の紅葉絶景! HD長編シリーズ 再生リスト


・高の瀬峡の観光ガイド(癒しの国 日本.TV)

・べふ峡の観光ガイド(癒しの国 日本.TV)

・チャンネル登録をお願いします ↓

Music by lei, ゆうり, しんさんわーくす : https://dova-s.jp/

#高の瀬峡 #べふ峡 #紅葉百選 #紅葉絶景 #紅葉